Rules for game "Kostky"


The game is played with six dice. One round normaly consists of three rolls. To finish the game, the player must score all required categories – it means – ones, twos, threes etc.  The categories from ones up to sixes will be fully scored by throwing at least four identical die faces within one turn. In case the player doesn´t manage to score by the last roll any of required categories in one turn, he looses the values of displayed points already thrown within the first and the second roll. On the other hand, if the player scores this category before the last – third roll, he can keep the remaining rolls and use them, when later necessary or exchange these spared rolls for points useful for increasing the final score.

- Line - The player must roll the die faces from one up to six.

- Pyramid - The player must roll for example three sixes, two fives, one four or three fives, two fours, one three, etc.

- Vrchcab - It is the analogy of the pyramid but the other way round - for example three ones, two twos, one three, etc.

- Pairs - The player must roll three different pairs of die faces – for ex. two twos, two threes, two fours.

- Poker - The player must roll four identical die faces plus one pair of identical die faces – for ex. four sixes plus two fours.

- Captain -The player must roll two triplets of displayed points.

- General - The player must roll six identical die faces.

For each scored category the player will recieve number of points, which is the sum of points displayed on the dice. The whole game is over when one of the players will score all the required categories. The player will recieve one extra point for each roll spared in the course of the game. These points are added to the total summ. The winner is finaly set by the special formula. It takes in consideration not only the total sum of points but also the number of rolls needed for completion of the categories. The above formula is not beeing published for possible abuse.

Information about reproducing and operating of this game you can find here.

I wish you enjoyed the game

- translation by Částka K. -